3D Printing In The Food and Beverage Industry
Join the Markforged Industry webinar series # 02 - 3D Printing in the Food and Beverage Industry. The perishability of food makes the F&B a unique industry with unique challenges. In no other industry does an interruption in the supply chain mean the complete destruction stock. This is an industry where plant downtime can mean a loss of production, revenue, and massive food waste. Additive Manufacturing can help reduce the risk of downtime by ensuring that spare parts can be printed on-demand, meaning less reliance on OEM parts from far flung corners of the earth.
Join us for this webinar and Q&A to learn:
• How 3D Printing is Transforming the Food and Beverage Industry
• How F&B companies can incorporate 3D printing into their product development departments and production lines to reduce costs and optimise processes
• How Markforged help F&B develop better packaging solutuons 3D printing on-demand of spare parts and tooling
• What the future holds for 3D printing in the food and beverage industry in a post-pandemic world